October 18th~23th,2019☆Shikine Island&Niijima Island☆Meals

2019年10月18日~10月23日 式根島&新島スキンダイビング旅行☆食事編☆
I will also post records of the food I ate while traveling around the island.
All of them were delicious.
The meals we had when we stayed at the guest house “Kiroku” were all exceptional.
I heard that the proprietress herself goes fishing.
We had a great time tasting mainly Japanese food.

◆The food is very good again tonight.
When the appetizer are good, the sake goes too!

◆Photographic Equipment
Camera :Nikon Z6
Camera Lens :Nikkor z24-70mm f/4s
Filter :Nikon PLfilterⅡ72mm
Tripod  :Velbon Carbon Geo Carmagne E645M II



◆撮影機材:Nikon Z6 +Nikkor z24-70mm f/4s
PLフィルター Nikon 円偏光フィルターⅡ72mm
Velbon カーボン三脚 Geo Carmagne E645M II

Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく
Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 「Sashimi of bonito and sea bream」 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく 「かつおとタイ?刺身」
Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 「Takabe’s Grilled Fish」 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく 「タカベ焼き」
Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 「Yukke of bonito」 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく 「かつおのユッケ」
Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 「Pumpkin, Green Beans and Minced Meat」 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく 「かぼちゃとインゲンとひき肉」
Shikine Island Dinner:guest house “Kiroku” 「fried chicken thigh with miso」 式根島 夕食:民宿きろく 「鶏のモモ肉」

October 18th~23th,2019☆Shikine Island&Niijima Island☆Meals

2019年10月18日~10月23日 式根島&新島スキンダイビング旅行☆食事編☆
This is a record of our lunch on Niijima.
We went to a ramen shop.
I had the miso butter ramen.
By the way, miso and butter are both fermented foods.
It’s the perfect combination!

My friend ordered beer and fried squid.
Everything was delicious!

The sea was rough that day, so I felt encouraged by the satisfaction of the taste.
I would like to visit again.

◆Photographic Equipment
Camera :Nikon Z6
Camera Lens :Nikkor z24-70mm f/4s
Filter :Nikon PLfilterⅡ72mm
Tripod  :Velbon Carbon Geo Carmagne E645M II



◆撮影機材:Nikon Z6 +Nikkor z24-70mm f/4s
PLフィルター Nikon 円偏光フィルターⅡ72mm
Velbon カーボン三脚 Geo Carmagne E645M II

Niijima Island Lunch “Dosanko Ramen”「Beer&Fried Squid」 新島 昼食:どさん子ラーメン 「冷えたビールとイカフライ」
Niijima Island Lunch “Dosanko Ramen”「Miso Butter Ramen」 新島 昼食:どさん子ラーメン 「味噌バターラーメン」
Niijima Island Lunch “Dosanko Ramen”「Miso Butter Ramen」 新島 昼食:どさん子ラーメン 「味噌バターラーメン」
Niijima Island Lunch “Dosanko Ramen”「Exterior of the store 」 新島 昼食:どさん子ラーメン 外観
Niijima Island Lunch “Dosanko Ramen”「reputation of a store 」 新島 昼食:どさん子ラーメン のれん